Tuesday, February 9, 2010

dreaming of paris

(photo credits: (top) jennifer causey, nichole roberston, alicia bock, (bottom) alica bock, nichole robertson, anne ditmeyer)

it seems that everyone in blog land is either in paris, going to paris, or just got back from paris.

paris is definitely in my top three of places i really must visit. (the other two being thailand and san francisco. i know . . . how is it that i haven't been to SF yet??)

travel funds are low at the moment, so i'm living vicariously through anne at prêt à voyager, nichole at little brown pen, alicia bock's amazing photographs, and jennifer, patrick and beau's flickr sets.

where are you dreaming of these days?


Anonymous said...

I went to Paris in high school and for years swore I'd never go back, because I didn't want to replace those memories of what was the most perfect Paris trip I could imagine with new ones. Of course, now that seems a little silly, but it's still not at the top of my dreams list because I'm still focused on how many places I HAVEN'T been to, rather than going somewhere I've already seen. Of course, how can you really appreciate somewhere as amazing as Paris at 16?

Anyway.. what am I dreaming of these days? Frankly, summer. Warm breezes, walking outside... and the secret hope that I'll have more things figured out by then.


tanvi said...

I want to go to Paris, too! I went as a kid, for one whirlwind day en route to somewhere else (managed to see the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, l'Arc de Triomphe and walk along the Rue de Rivoli), but I still am dying to see the Louvre, visit Montmarte and just hang around cafes and eat pain au chocolat <3

Prêt à Voyager said...

doing my best to facilitate vicarious travel :) keep watching that airfare :)
